Hitmanpro kickstart is an anti-malware scanner that advertises itself as a "second opinion" virus scanner, meaning that it works best when working alongside another antivirus product like McAfee or Norton. Hitman Pro is in its third release, is produced by Surf Right software, and is compatible with Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008, Windows 7 and Windows 8. An unrestricted 30-day free trial means that it Hitman Pro is a great choice for anyone looking for a second opinion to see if their computer is indeed free of malware and their current protection has not missed anything.

Hitman Pro can be installed locally or run from a USB /CD /DVD without installation, making it handy to use for those computers where known infections make software installation troublesome. Hitman Pro uses a behavioral characteristics database of malware in order to search for the symptoms of malware. This is most effective since Malware often mutate and definite file sizes, names and types can change from one infection to another even with the same virus. It is far better to look for the damage caused by malware and trace it back to the source. 

If Hitman Pro finds a file that it thinks is malware, it will give the user the option to quarantine or to delete that file. If Hitman Pro finds a file it is unsure of it resorts to a 'Cloud scan' a feature that involves uploading the suspected file to a cloud array of computers to be scanned by several other vendor products. In this way the second opinion of Hitman Pro can request a third opinion when it isn't sure, giving the user even more confidence in the product.

Buying Hitman Pro involves downloading the free version and then registering the software by purchasing a subscription. The Subscription entitles a user to receive updates to the behavioral database that Hitman Pro uses to detect malware, ensuring that the software can recognize new threats when they arise. There are options to buy more than one subscription if a user wishes to protect multiple computers, like in a company-wide deployment plan.